My Services

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Let's get started

Your counseling experience is about YOU.  None of my clients are the same, and that's what makes my work so interesting. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, substance or other issues, we'll work together to identify underlying problems, realize your skills and strengths, and adjust your behaviors and thoughts so that you can approach your life in a different, healthier way.

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy is the kind of therapy where we sit and talk to each other for a scheduled amount of time.  This is mostly the kind of therapy that I offer--not couples, or family or group therapy.  We'll use your goals and the events of your day to day life to figure out how to make change happen.


A lot of the people who come to see me are struggling with anxiety.  Sometimes their anxiety seems based in their personal biology, or they inherited it.  Sometimes it's based in learned behaviors. They might have panic attacks, specific phobias, obsessions,  intrusive thoughts, and/or just feel stressed and anxious most of the time.  I often (but not always) use a workbook to guide us through the process.


If you're feeling sad or bad most of the days--that's depression.  Anxiety and depression often occur together, and can have a multitude of causes.  If there's a learned or behavioral cause, we'll work to find it.  If it's biological in nature, we'll strategize to improve your functioning and help you feel better.  Depression can feel lonely and helpless, and I'll be your ally to feel better.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a very specific system of ideas and activities that are often helpful for people who struggle a great deal in managing their emotions, behaviors and life in general.  I have to say--I don't do "full" DBT--that requires a full team of professionals working together.  But I do use the ideas and solutions offered by DBT to work with a lot of my clients.  We work on managing emotions, interacting effectively with others, changing damaging behaviors, etc.


If you've been diagnosed with--or think maybe you should be--an Autism Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder, we can talk about it.  We can talk about strategies to help make your life work better--your relationships, your work, your organizational skills, etc.


If you're worried that you do too much of something--alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, or whatever, we can work together to get your life back on track.  Sometimes that might mean  a more formal addiction treatment program.  If so, I can help you find one that meets your needs.  Sometimes, however, we can use individual therapy successfully to rebuild a manageable life.


Relationships are so important!  And so hard!  If you're struggling to manage your most intimate social connections we can talk about skills and strategies to make your relationships closer and easier.

Inspirational Quotes

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship." – Louisa May Alcott. The best way out is always through. — Robert Frost

Don't wait to get the help you need

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